Administer Exams
Reminder: The person administering the exam must be associated with your center as a Proctor. For more information about associations and roles, click here.
Registering as a User: All test candidates must register an account with Certiport. Each person will only ever need one login username. If you forget your password, click the Forgot Password link in the top-right corner of the Web page. If you are unsure whether you have previously registered, please click here to contact us or one of our Certiport Authorized Partners.
Each computer used for testing should be set up prior to test delivery. For instructions on creating the shortcut for delivering MTA exams, click here.
Prior to delivering an exam, click here to test your browser for exam support.
All exams must be delivered following the Certiport Exam Administration Policies.
- The Proctor will validate the candidate's identity by checking a government-issued picture identification card, and remove all prohibited items before administering any exam, as identified in the Certiport Exam Administration Policies.
- Each Test Candidate will double-click the Certiport Online Exams shortcut on his/her testing computer to begin the exam.
- Each Test Candidate will enter his/her username, select the Microsoft Technology Associate program, and click Login. They will then choose the exam to be taken and select that no voucher will be used for the exam.
Reminder: All MTA Exams will be purchased in the form of a license. The Online Exam Delivery Program will automatically verify available exams; therefore it is unnecessary to type in a voucher number.
- Select whether or not you will be using an Exam Group. Using exam groups provides additional reporting functionality. For more information regarding exam groups, click here.
- On the last page, the Proctor will need to verify that the student chose the correct exam before entering his/her username.
- The Proctor will observe the Test Candidate(s) throughout the duration of the exam following one of the observation methods as identified in the Certiport Exam Administration Policies:
• Camera/video display
• Window
• In-room proctoring
If you have technical problems while delivering exams, please click here to contact us or one of our Certiport Authorized Partners.