Certiport Organization Administrator Test
Study Guide

The content on this page covers the material included in the Certiport Organization Administrator Test. It is available for you to use any time before or after taking the test.

Please Note: Certiport Authorized Testing Center is abbreviated as CATC below.

Organization Administrator and Organization Member

*For more Organization Administrator training, you can utilize the following resources:

To assign a new Proctor to your Certiport Center, the Proctor must have a user account with Certiport. Information on managing associations can be found here.

To learn more about what Organization Administrators and Organization Members can do, visit our Managing Exam Vouchers, Inventory, and Site Licenses page.

The best way for an Organization Administrator to purchase exams online for their CATC is to log on to www.certiport.com and select the Purchase tab. An alternative method of purchasing exams is to contact the sales representative for their region.

Organization Administrators and Organization Members can check exam vouchers, exam inventory, and exam expiration dates by logging into their account at www.certiport.com and viewing the “mycertiport” drop-down menu/tab.

The list of exams delivered through iQsystem is found on the iQsystem Install page.

The list of exams delivered through the Certiport Online Exam Delivery Engine is found on the Certiport Online Exams Setup page.

The overall process of exam delivery and installation is found on the Downloading and Installing Exam Software page.

Certiport Technical Requirements can be found here.

Updates are periodically provided for iQsystem. Required updates are announced in the Technology Update section of the weekly Center Update email and the system will prompt you when starting an exam. More information regarding iQsystem updates can be found on the System Maintenance page.

Organization Administrators can find and print a score report from the Exam Result Reprint page.

Results for a CATC can be retrieved for three years (without using an exam group).

Exam Groups are distinguished from the normal “Reports” feature as editable, limitless, and having a longer period of time.


Functions of a proctor, exam environment criteria, acceptable methods of observing Test Candidates, and various scenarios that constitute violations are listed in the Proctor Agreement.

The correct order for administering an exam can be found here.

Test Candidate

If a Certiport username or password has been forgotten, a Certiport user with any role will need to use the I cannot access my account link.

Once a Test Candidate profile has been created, only certain profile information and options can be altered by the Test Candidate.

Test Candidate is the only role which has the ability to pre-register ownership of a voucher for an exam. Additional information about Test Candidate responsibilities can be found here.

The Authorized View (Link to Personal View) of the exam transcript displays a digital transcript with only exams the Test Candidate has passed for viewers they authorize.

A Test Candidate can see their transcript record on the My Transcripts page after logging in at www.certiport.com. The Test Candidate also has the option to print a score report from this page. Please visit this page for additional information regarding Printing Certificates and Score Reports.